Macroeconomics is a part of economics that focuses on how general economies, markets, or different systems that operate on a large scale behave. Macroeconomics concentrates on phenomena like inflation, price levels, rate of economic growth, national income, gross domestic product (GDP) and changes in unemployment....
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Health Infrastructure in India
Infrastructure refers to all such activities, services, and facilities needed to provide different kinds of services in an economy. Simply put, it is the support system for the economic and social development of the country. The infrastructure facilities are crucial for the development of agriculture, industry, and now, increasingly, the services sector. Since India’s economic reforms in 1991, the government has placed a significant emphasis on infrastructure development. Infrastructure can be categorised into two parts; viz., Economic Infrastructure (Energy, Transport, and Communication), and Social Infrastructure (Education, Health, and Training)...
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Interest Coverage Ratio | Meaning, Formula, Calculation and Examples
The Interest Coverage rate( ICR) is a fiscal rate that measures a company’s capability to pay interest charges on its outstanding debts. It is a key indicator of a company’s financial health and its ability to generate profits to cover its interest payments. The ratio tells us how many times the company’s earnings (before interest and taxes) can cover its interest payments....
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Ratio Analysis- Importance, Advantages and Limitations
A financial ratio, also known as an accounting ratio, is the size of two numerical values obtained from an organisation’s financial accounts. There are several standard ratios used in accounting to try to analyze the overall financial state of a firm or other entity. Accounting ratios, also known as financial ratios, are used to calculate a company’s performance and profitability based on its financial records. They provide a means of expressing the relationship between one accounting data item along with another and are the origin of ratio analysis. To put it another way, an accounting ratio denotes a quantitative agreement that is used for making decisions and analyses. It serves as the foundation for both intra and inter-firm comparisons....
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Sustainable Development: Meaning, Objectives and Strategies
Sustainable development is the economic development process that seeks to satisfy the requirements of the present generation without affecting the needs of future generations. Sustainable development maximises the well-being of current and future populations...
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Forms of Employment: Self and Wage Employment
People do a wide range of jobs to earn a living. Work significantly impacts our lives as individuals and as members of society. Some people work on farms, in factories, banks, shops, and a variety of other workplaces, while some work from home. Work at home includes not only traditional work like weaving, lace making, or a variety of handicrafts but also current jobs like programming work in the IT industry. Earlier factory work meant working in factories located in cities, whereas now technology has enabled people to produce those factory-based goods at home in villages....
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Causes and Impact of Environmental Degradation
The physical surroundings of a person of which they are a part and upon whom they depend for activities like physiological working, production, and consumption, are referred to as Environment. Here, the physical environment comprises all natural resources, including soil, plants, energy-carrying materials, oxygen, water, and ecosystems....
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Agricultural Marketing: Meaning, Measures, Defects and Alternate Marketing Channels
The agricultural sector is the backbone of the Indian economy and contributes significantly to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The agricultural sector is also the primary source of livelihood for a significant portion of the population. In recent years, the Indian government has taken several measures to improve the agricultural sector and increase its competitiveness in the global market. The agricultural marketing system is one of the critical aspects of the agricultural sector’s growth and development. Agricultural Marketing refers to the process of assembling, storing, processing, transporting, packaging, grading, and distributing different agricultural commodities across the country....
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Environment: Meaning, Functions, and Reasons for Environmental Crisis
Environment is defined as the total of planetary inheritance and all resources. It includes all biotic and abiotic elements that interact with one another. While all living elements—birds, animals, plants, forests, fisheries, and so on—are biotic; abiotic elements include air, water, soil, and so on. Therefore, the environment encompasses all conditions, resources, or natural factors that have an impact on human life and existence....
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What is Investment Multiplier?
The term Investment Multiplier is an important contribution made by Prof. J.M. Keynes. Keynes felt that an initial rise in investment multiplies overall income by a large factor. The relationship between an initial increase in investment and the subsequent rise in total revenue is expressed by the multiplier. In reality, it has been seen that when investments are increased by a particular amount, the change in income does not only reflect the initial investment’s value but also increases by several times. In other words, a multiple of a change in investment equals a change in income. A multiplier explains how many times an increase in investment causes an increase in national income....
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Balance Sheet: Meaning, Format, Need and Objectives
The Balance Sheet is the statement showing the business’s financial position at a given time. It is the statement showing the value of assets and liabilities of a firm at a certain date. The Balance Sheet shows the report of the property owned by the enterprise and the claims of the creditors and owners against these properties. The total of both sides (i.e., assets and liabilities) of the balance sheet should be equal....
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Poverty Line: Meaning, Determination, Types and Criticism
Poverty refers to a state in which an individual is unable to fulfil even the basic necessities of life. The minimum requirements include food, clothing, shelter, education, and health facilities. A nation suffers from a cycle of poverty when a large portion of the population is deprived of even the most basic necessities of life for an extended period. If the minimum needs are not fulfilled, a person has to undergo pain and suffering. Sickness and disabilities render him helpless in all aspects of life. Generation after generation person who lives in poverty grows in poverty and dies in poverty. The population either breeds or multiplies itself....
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